
2022-02-14 10:52:28 来源:
你才双下巴,你家人都双下巴!所谓爱美欲人皆有之。如果说赘肉是每一个愿意握有极致长相的“妹纸”或“汉纸”的大敌,那么一个喜感十足的双下巴更是是这些人的生死仇敌了。每一分钟,欧美都有人为自己的一张大饼脸而感到烦恼,虽然握有一个肉感十足的双下巴撕上去是挺有肉感的,但是还是有很多人的心理素质使其无法承受一个双下巴之重。您可千万别笑,这甚至已经催生出一个庞大的商品。根据美国脸部输液创会的调查研究显示,68%的非裔对自己的双下巴表示了“厌倦”之情。而有鉴于此,最近Kythera美国公司向FDA提请了其专供消灭双下巴的美容注射样式口服ATX-101。这种口服完成了许多“胖纸”梦寐以求的基本功能,哪里想瘦打哪里,更是是定点减肥。不要以为这种近乎冷酷的口服只是一个笑话,在FDA下属的脸部和眼科口服专员会的无记名选举当中,研究者可是以17:0的超高票数恰当赞同其上市。或许是因为这些研究者当中也有很多饱受双下巴之苦吧。FDA也将开发计划于当年的5月初13日之前对其作出最后决定。如果一切顺利的话,Kythera美国公司开发计划于当年月初末将该电子产品上市,系统性政界人士原定这一口服的年销售额将少于3亿美元之多。随着美容口服商品的日益增大,Kythera美国公司更是是下了一步好棋。美国公司于上周以8400万美元的价位从其前合作伙伴标下手当中收回了这种口服的全部权利。而Kythera美国公司也愿意借以为就此在美容口服商品当中攻城拔寨。就在上个月初,Kythera美国公司和Actelion美国公司已达成效用2700万美元的合作协议,共同开发一种不甘心过的抗炎症口服,而这种口服被认为有可能开发出一种治疗肥大的口服。简要英文另据:Kythera ($KYTH) won the unanimous support of an FDA advisory panel for its fat-busting injection, rolling toward approval with a first-of-its-kind treatment.The agency's independent Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee voted 17-0 that the drug's benefits outweighed its risks for patients looking to reduce submental fat, or double chin. The FDA is not required to follow its panels' votes, though it most commonly does, and the agency has promised to make a final decision on the injection by May 13. If all goes according to plan, Kythera plans to launch the drug, ATX-101, in the second half of this year.The biotech's shares he more than tripled since it pulled off a $73 million IPO in 2012, rising steadily as investors bet ATX-101 can carve out a space on the aesthetic market and potentially lure a Big Pharma acquirer. Kythera is pitching the injection as a much-needed nonsurgical option for double chin reduction, citing an American Society for Dermatologic Surgery survey that estimates 68% of Americans are "bothered" by submental fat.Kythera regained full rights to ATX-101's potential last year, orchestrating an $84 million deal to buy out ex-partner Bayer. And the drug, a synthetic version of the fat-blasting deoxycholic acid, could bring in more than $300 million a year once approved, Leerink yst Seamus Fernandez has said."This milestone demonstrates our commitment to developing first-in-class aesthetic products through a focus on scientific rigor and innovation," Kythera CEO Keith Leonard said in a statement. "At Kythera, we remain focused on investing in novel treatments that will allow aesthetic physicians to better meet the needs of their patients."Kythera is also focused on raising some cash now that it has a likely approval ahead. The biotech filed for a $125 million offering as soon as the market closed on Monday. Its share price was down several points at the end of the day.Beyond its top prospect, Kythera is working to build out a pipeline of aesthetic medicines. Last month, the California biotech signed a $27 million deal with Actelion ($ATLN) to get its hands on a once-failed anti-inflammatory medicine that could he a future as a treatment for hair loss.
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